Monday, October 6, 2008

It's Ayers vs Keating for the Presidency

We always knew it would come to this, right?

In 2006, if you wanted to nominate one Democrat and one Republican who together would produce a high-minded, respectful campaign, you might have chosen Barack Obama and John McCain. But clearly those days are long gone, and this campaign has been down in the mud for quite some time.

Now, with the McCain poll numbers falling, Obama surging in heretofore red states, and a month left to play, we see the Palin/McCain campaign resorting to the only thing they have left: questioning the American-ness of Obama. So out come our old friends Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko. McCain denounced the Rev. Wright mess, but don't be surprised if at least Palin gives a big wink to some independent smear groups to take up that charge, again.

This time though, Obama is unabashedly playing hardball as well. His campaign is hitting back hard, and for the first time, trying to bring the Keating Five scandal to public light. They just sent out an email promising a documentary soon at At least they're trying to tie it to current events to the current events of the financial crisis. In fact, it makes you wonder if they've been waiting on this particular line of attack for just such a moment.

So from here on out, it's Ayers vs. Keating for the Presidency. Watch as Change vs. Country First devolves even further to Guilt By Association vs. Cleared of Impropriety But Criticized for Poor Judgment. Oh, the joy.

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